
Monday, June 8, 2009

My new blog!

This is my new blog. Created to keep family and friends up on all the crazy happenings around here. I also wanted a place to be able to talk about adoption and what it has meant to our family. Our journey into adoption is chronicled at http://www.ourlittlelizzie.com/. Lizzie has touched our family in so many wonderful ways and has absolutely changed my life forever! Can't wait to start blogging about our crazy, beautiful family and how great adoption is!!! I have chosen to start this blog with the video that I created for Lizzie's One Year Home Anniversary. Although it celebrates Lizzie's first year with us, it also describes our families journey to Lizzie and, I hope, a testimate for others on the "awesomeness" of adoption - as my kids would put it!!!


  1. Looking forward to your posts~

  2. Congratulations on your one year anniversary!! Beautiful video :)

  3. Words really can't describe how incredible your video is. We have been doing paperwork for our China adoption for over 9 months and sometimes it seems we will never be done. We are in the waiting child program and will be eligible for the shared list soon. We also have "checked off" club feet as a SN. Your family and story is beautiful ! Thank you for sharing it.

  4. Can't wait to catch up with the family on your new blog! I'm adding your blog to my blog roll. Can't wait to see everyone on Friday at the park!

  5. Fantastic video and beautiful children! Congratulations on your one year anniversary!

  6. What a cutie! Love the video, can you tell me what program you used to make the video? I have been wanting to make one for my girls for a couple of years now and can't figure it out. Thanks, Trish

  7. Oh Annie,
    I'm sitting here in tears after watching the video. I cannot believe that is the same little girl we met briefly when we were in Dongguan. Lizzie has really come out and has progressed so much being a part of your family.

    Much love to all of you!
    Julie, Natasha's mommy

  8. Ann,
    Congratulations! Wow! What a transformation in that little girl you captured on film and video. Thank you for sharing her.
    Julia Anderson(Mommy to SarahPearl)

  9. A great video!! we are approaching our 2 yr gotcha day anniversary! You have inspired me!!

  10. I really love your video and choice of music. My youngest daughter is from Dongguan. I hope you don't mind if I added your blog to my blog list so I can read more of your journey.

  11. So very beautiful. It was all so moving but when the last song came on I just bawled! What a precious precious little girl!

