
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Another Way to Help

With permission, I have posted an email sent to one of my yahoo groups. Please take a look and help if you can!!! She has some really cute stuff and it is for a beautiful cause!!

Hi friends,I'm a PAP and mostly a lurker here. Through blogs and groups I have been privileged to have become friends with several families who have mentored me and encouraged me as I wait for His timing to begin the process to bring our daughter home. One such dear friend has two daughters from China and has recently felt called to bring home a 4 year old girl who weighs just 15 lbs and has Downs Syndrome from Eastern Europe. I am donating 100% of the profits from my business thru July 22 to the family's adoption fund. I have a hair bow business. Would you please consider stopping by my blog to read about the fundraiser and click on the links to Reece's Rainbow about Hailee and the Salem family? If your girls will be needing bows, headbands, clips, etc. for back to school it would be wonderful for your purchase to help being a child home. I also have great adult headbands and wristlet key fobs and if you don't have girls but you blog you can help spread the word! I'm up to $70 in the first day for this little girl!!

Thank you,Kelly


  1. praying this fundraiser does VERY well :)


  2. Thank you so much for sharing about the fundraiser! I'm up to $120 for this family so far :)


  3. I loved the animal clips and my girls got a few. Thanks for posting this info.
