
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Big Girl Pants = Happy Momma

Well I do believe the day has finally come! A day that we have been anxiously anticipating, a day that will live in infamy, a day that will forever more be celebrated with great jubilation - the girls are finally wearing big girl pants! We no longer have any kids in diapers! Oh my! I thought I was ready!! Hehe!! We have been clipping diaper coupons for 12 years now and have always at least one (if not 2) kids in diapers! I actually thought (hoped) we would have been here sooner because girls are easier to potty train - right??? All 3 of the boys were potty trained at exactly 3 1/2 - ugh! I know, I know, that is very late but they just were not ready until then and we just did not push it. At 3 1/2 they each just decided one day that they wanted to go poop in the potty and that was that! I was thinking that the girls might do better and they did but only by a month or two and Lizzie has (so far) done a little bit better than Em - go figure! So anyway, after deciding that it was time, I told the girls that we would go to Target and purchase some pretty, flowery, princess laden big girl pants. They were very excited and could not wait to get there. As we were looking through the immense collection of pink and green panties, I found Em checking out the Diego pants! Now, I do love the fact that Em is such a great mix of girly girl and tomboy, however, when it comes to underwear... Momma was standing her ground!! Em pleaded with me to let her buy big BOY pants!! No amount of pink princesses was going to change her mind!! I finally had to promise her that if she would just pick out some big GIRL pants, she could wear some of her big brother's old Diego pants!! That did it and the flowery girl pants were purchased. Sure enough, as soon as we got home, she beboped upstairs, pick herself out some Diego pants from her brother's drawer, put them on and promptly tinkled in them:) Hehe!!! I do now have them both wearing big girl pants and things are going pretty well. Do I have a little sadness at not having a baby in diapers anymore? Yeah, I do but I did find myself dreaming of all the wonderful things that I can clean (other than a bottom) with baby wipes!!!


  1. Hattie loved her Spiderman underoos. I finally had to toss them because they had gotten way too tight. It did help her get potty trained though. The funny thing was she would wear them backwards so she could see the huge spiderman that was on the rear of the underoos. She looked very funny.

  2. 12 years of diapers? Are you kidding me? I am such a rookie mom, one year is about doing me in...Monica

  3. Congrats on the diaper free household. With the money you save from not purchasing them, you could go on vacation! Hehe!

  4. You are a little bit sad about not having diapers anymore?!?!!!! You ARE kidding, right? (Can you tell I'm not as into the baby stage as most are?)
