
Monday, August 31, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away or Maybe Not!!

If the rain went away, then there would be no need for really cute pink umbrellas or absolutely adorable rain boots!!

I believe that just as the trees, flowers and grass need the rain, so do little girls with pretty pink umbrellas and adorable rain boots!!!



  1. Wow, that rain looks yummy! After months of dry heat, dusty trails and brown vegetation I can't wait for the rains to hit our neck of the woods! Love, Monica

  2. We are all about the rain boots at our house!

  3. "You know when you put on a pair of rain boots, you are in for an adventure!"

    Cute!!! I love it!

  4. I totally agree. Those boots have to be used.
    I had to catch up on your blog. School has been kicking my bootay so far this year. I can't get back into the swing of things.
