
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blogging Carnival

I am participating in an adoption carnival but cannot figure out how to insert a link to it! Maybe I will figure out all the fancy blogger stuff one of these days! Sigh!!! I just think I need about 3 or 4 more hours tacked onto every day or less need for sleep! Anyway, the carnival is about what no one told you about adoption.

No one told me how immediate the love is once you see that first picture of your child's face and how she would seem somehow, familiar.

No one told me how incredibly emotional the wait would be.

No one told me how this process would refresh my faith and cause me to explore it more fully.

No one told me that no matter how much you think you prepare yourself for gotcha day, you cannot ever be totally prepared.

No one told me how adopting Lizzie would allow me to see how beautiful my other children's hearts are.

No one told me how I would long to have held Lizzie and rocked Lizzie and sung to Lizzie and experienced Lizzie as a baby and how I ache to make up for the first 2 years of her life.

No one told me how adopting Lizzie would change the direction of my life and how a little piece of my heart would remain in China with those left waiting.

No one told me how immensely proud I would be of our beautiful, strong and courageous daughter!!!

No one could adequately tell me how incredibly beautiful and frustrating and faith full and life changing adoption is and how I would want to shout out about the beauty of it all!!

1 comment:

  1. "No one told me how adopting Lizzie would change the direction of my life and how a little piece of my heart would remain in China with those left waiting." Amen. Oh, amen!
