
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bye Bye Summer

While Labor Day does not necessarily mean the end of the summer heat (around here anyway), it does kind of signal the end of summer and it seemed to take forever to get here this year - got to be because the boys started school so dang early - ugh!!!! We decided to spend our last “official” weekend of summer playing soccer at the beach and having a picnic at the park with our local FCC (families with children from China) friends. The boys always love soccer and the girls always love the beach so it worked out well:) We are just starting to get to know our friends in our FCC chapter, and I think it will be a good thing for Lizzie, especially as she gets older. We ended up having a great weekend and are already looking forward to next summer – sigh!!

The girls actually start school tomorrow!!! After several hugs and kisses (ok, a lot of hugs and kisses), I think I will be doing the happy dance while wiping my tears away and wondering what to do with my 3 whole hours!! Any suggestions???

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  1. Looks like a lot more fun than our Labor Day Weekend! Y'all look like you had much better weather than us too!

  2. Annie, Definitely stop at your local coffee shop (that will help with the tears), then read a book or window shop ALL BY YOURSELF. Ooohh, I know, you get to workout without someone stopping you 9,000 times AND you get to go to the bathroom without anyone walking in on you! I could go on and on, but knowing that you're a mom, you will probably do the laundry, scrub bathrooms, grocery shop, dry cleaning, walk the dog, vacuum..........Yup, have fun!

  3. Whatever you do, Annie, you deserve some alone time. I do NOT know how you do what you do. As a working mother of one, I feel like I have my hands full...so how do you do it?? Love, Monica

  4. COFFEE! (What did you expect from me, of all people?)
