
Saturday, November 7, 2009

My "Virtual" Twins!

I couldn't resist the cuteness!! One of the perks of Lizzie's "less than Em size" stature is that when Em outgrows something it goes right into the other side of the closet - Lizzie's side!! A fact that I am sure will aggravate both of them as they get older but right now it gets a big WHOOP WHOOP from Mom and especially Dad!! Because of this we can't really don't get to dress the girls alike very often, however, I just could NOT walk out of Target without these dresses (and ahem, 2 other matching dresses). They were priced right and just calling, all right hollering, my name!!!

Oh and what Lizzie lacks in size, she more than makes up for in personality!!!


  1. Adorable! We got Claire a dress that matches a skirt we got for Isabel. That is about as matched as we have gotten so far! Isabel is a little too old to want to match that much! Oh well.

  2. Too cute. I'm definitely going to torture my boys w/ matching shirts or pjs. Do they play well together? They look like they are a lot of fun!

  3. They do play together well, when Lizzie lets Em be in charge!! Hehe!! They fight but they love each other and are very bonded. We feel very blessed!!!

  4. Yeah, Chelsea, I figured I better do it while they let me!!

  5. Precious dress!!!!!! What Target did you get it at, Summerville?? You know Old Navy has "matching" clothes for young girls and older girls. same pattern, color.... So very cute!! Excuse my rambling :) I have 2 more hours until I am off work :) Night 3 of 3 and I am sleeeepy :) penny, mom to Norah and Elias
    Summerville, SC

  6. Ya know, the way that post sounded was not the way I intended :) I was super tired and rambling... like I always do when I work. What I was meaning by that same color, pattern thing was that Old Navy has "matching" clothes for younger girls and older girls. That way they don't match but coordinate... Not that I was second guessing you or correcting you! I really hope that you didn't take it that way!! If so, I am sorry! Are you guys from Charleston?? I really enjoy your blog and wish I was as faithful as you are about updating mine!! Have a great night!! :) Penny
