
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Lizzie

Baby girl is 4 years old today!

She has once again caught up with Em - in age at least!

The pool party is not until Saturday but I wanted to post a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my incredible little one!

This is your fourth birthday but only the second one with your family.

I don't know if you celebrated your first birthday...

I doubt it, though.

I do know that you celebrated your second...

because we sent you a cake, but could not be there.

Two years later and you are 4 years old and ready to take on the world...

with your partner in crime...

and virtual twin...

by your side!

Happy 4th Birthday my sweet, amazing, inspiring baby girl!!

I will ,of course, post some pics of the PARTAY PARTAY on Saturday!!!!

Must go to bed now!

Three field days...

and three end of the school year parties later...

and I am pooped!!

The "twins" even got into the spirit of the games...

sporting the latest in field day attire...

and helping Mommie with the official time clock!

Miss Priss 4 year old even had to sit and rehash the games with her biggest bro's best buds!

When she talks...

they listen!!!


Bed now . one . last . party . tomorrow!

Is it summer yet????


  1. Happy Birthday! What precious girl!

    Thank you so very much for helping me spread the word about Samuel! Praying his family steps forward very soon. Thank for each precious kiddo you bring light to here! They all have incredible worth and it is a huge blessing to read that they have been matched!

  2. Happy Birthday Lizzie, you are an inspiration to us all!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!!

    (Annie, I just love the girls' pink ruffle dresses!!! They are adorable!!)

  4. Happy birthday to sweet Lizzie! Love the girls' field day attire...that's the girly tomboy look I adore...running with the boys and looking all feminine!

    Hope the party is lots of fun!


  5. Happy, happy, happy!
    Happy, happy birthday!!!!!!

    Know what you mean about the rush, rush, rush...when is there a Mom vacation? I need one!


  6. Have a great party!! Is it at your mom's?

  7. It is!! Thank goodness for Mom and her pool!!!

  8. Thanks everybody!! Lizzie LOVES her birthday and celebrates big:)

  9. I can't believe she is already 4! Hope your weekend is one big celebration.
