
Monday, June 14, 2010


Since this week's Sunday Snapshot was all about big brothers (check out previous post), I just had to post about sisters!

My girls are what is commonly referred to (in the adoption community anyway) as "virtual twins."

Em and Lizzie are only 2 months apart...

although you wouldn't know it by looking at them.

Em is a whole head taller than Lizzie...

but it has worked out well for my "virtual twins."

You see, Em is baby CRAZY and had it in her head that she was getting a baby sister!!

Well, Lizzie is not a baby, but she definitely needed to be babyed for a while and is small enough to be picked up,

and lead to safety,

and taken care of by her big sister,

but only when Lizzie lets her!!! Hehe!

Like here:

However, Lizzie will sometimes get tired of being the "baby" for her big sissy!

I must say, though, that it really seems to work for them

I never had a sister and I have dearly love watching this sister relationship grow and flourish and evolve!

This was our last day in China. Should have had an inkling...

don't they just look like trouble??? Hehe!!


  1. They are just precious together. :) I can tell from the pictures alone that they truly adore one another.

  2. What a great relationship these two have!!! :)

    Shea also wanted a 'baby' to take care of....
    my Littles are 15 months apart....
    Avery doesn't mind being 'babyed'....

    In the end, it all works out!!! (kind of....lol)
