
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Snapshot - Our LITTLE Lizzie

The emphasis on the "LITTLE."

When we first met our sweet girl in China, she had just turned 2 and weighed all of 17 pounds!! She was wearing 3 month sized clothing and everything about her was pint sized.

I was worried but just knew that once we got her home and got some "good food" in her, she would grow. Heh!

Well, not only did she not want to eat any of that "good food," but her little body decided that it was not going to grow either!

Again, I was worried but thought, well with 18 clubfoot casts and 2 hand surgeries, I don't think my body would have the energy to grow either!

So her growth (or lack of) got put on the back burner for a while as we settled into life with Lizzie.

She slowly began to eat...

Yes, mostly junk...

but it was FOOD and she was actually chewing and swallowing!! Yippee!!

Now, I was certain that my sweet baby girl was going to grow...

but she didn't...

and at her last check up, we were told that she had experienced "negative growth!"

Not what I expected!

So now, we decide (with the help of our Pediatric Endo doctor) what we are to do about it.

The options aren't great.

They are daily injections of the IGF factor (which we already know she is low in) or...

Daily injections of growth hormone. Sigh!!!

We go tomorrow to do a STEM test which will determine if her beautiful brain is making enough growth hormone.

She will have a port placed in her arm and be injected with several different drugs to stimulate her brain to make growth hormones.

Again, sigh!!!

Please keep her in your prayers tomorrow and pray that we and the doctors can make the best possible choice for her, because being low in growth hormone can affect her health as well as her growth.

Otherwise, I think we would just be happy with our "fun sized" little tornado, no matter what size she is, because being pint sized...

has never slowed her down!!!

She is our amazing little Lizzie

and we will be beside her no matter what comes.

To join in on Stefanie's Sunday Snapshot or read others, click here:

Ni Hao Y'all


  1. Thinking of Lizzie as you guys figure out what the next best step is!

  2. She is just so precious!! I love her unstoppable spirit... she's such a spitfire (reminds me of my Vivienne :))
    PLEASE keep us posted on the results of the testing... and praying that things go smoothly as you work to help Miss Lizzie be the very best she can be :)

  3. I like her spunk! Sounds like Lizzie is part of a great team...she's gonna do great!

  4. I will pray for your little LIzzie~ who is so beautiful! MY middle so is not growing at all either. He is on special shakes and digestive enzymes and we are undergoing a lot of the same tests but I think our is not as severe. Anyway, I know how it can trouble a Mama's heart.

  5. Will be praying. These are tough decisions.

  6. prayers for Lizzie and your family's guidance. Lizzie appears extremely energetic and healthy even if she is "little" compared to the charts.
    Denise M. (always loved being little at 5'0"!)

  7. You little one is certainly adorable! We'll keep her and your family in our thoughts.

  8. I did not see this in time, Ann. I hope all went well. When I was about 10 the doctors at the Naval Hospital here in Beaufort wanted to inject me with growth hormones or some such thing, and I said no. That's why I'm vertically challenged today (I think Rachel Ray said that.)

  9. Awww :( I'll keep her in my prayers. She's so brave and smart and sweet! Love the picture of her in the bag! :)


  10. I forgot to mention that the picture of Em and Lizzie in their dresses is awesome. What great sisters.
    Denise M.

  11. Annie, Difficult decisions to make. I'm sure you will research and think about it and make the right decision for Lizzie. I have no doubt you will make the right decision. My friend is looking into her options for her son as well. He is very small for his age and not growing well. He is bio and my friend is tiny as well! She's 4 ft 8 in and full of spunk! Just like Lizzie.

  12. Too bad we can't share some of Luke's beefiness with her! lol! I will pray for your concerns, but her pint size is adorable, but we do want her to be healthy! God will steer you in the right direction!

    Have a great day, Annie!

  13. Annie, I hope you are able to find the least intrusive path to help Lizzie. Funny, she looks like she has grown, but I guess it's just her spunk and enthusiasm. If there's one thing we all know about Lizzie, nothing gets in her way! Please keep us posted. Love, Monica

  14. Thinking about you and little Lizzie! Hope everything goes well. You will be in out thoughts and prayers this week. Take care!

  15. An amazing little girl with an amazing momma! My brother's wife had triplets (14 now). 2 identical girls, one boy - they were micro micro premies but they made it. One of the girls is small and had to take those shots to help her grow and healthy. She did grow some and all 3 trips are healthy, beautiful and smart.

    Lizzie will do great no matter the outcome of the appointment. She's a fighter - a "little tornado". She's tearing up life and enjoying every minute.

