
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Do you remember when...


just somehow magically turned into this...

and this...

and this....

Yeah.  Those were the days! 

Side note :  yep the bed with the construction trucks belongs to the girls (that's what happens when you have big brothers and parents with NO money - hehe) and yep Santa may have to bring them a pretty pink puppy spread (that's what happens when your mother decorator loves dogs) - or a Spiderman spread if Em gets to Santa first!!!  Heh!


  1. Just have to ask. Did they make their beds that neatly? You should see the mess the bed looks like when the boys make theirs!

  2. LOL! I wish!! I have to admit to being a bit um, anal about neatly made up beds so that gets done first thing in the morning by - me! The kids probably won't know how to make up a bed but they won't have to deal with a crazed neat freak Momma either!! Haha! They do, however, know how to make a bathroom sparkle!

  3. I love the construction truck spread! Our little guy would be so excited to see all those vehicles! :)
