
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Snapshot - Josiah

I know Sunday Snapshots are usually about your family and the things that touch your heart.  Tonight my Sunday Snapshot is not about my family but is however about a very special little boy who has touched my heart and many others' hearts.  That very special little boy is Josiah.

If you have been following my blog and my weekly "Waiting Kids" posts, you are very familiar with this precious boy.  Josiah lives in a wonderful group foster home in China called Harmony House where from what I understand, he has totally enchanted any and all who meet him.

Josiah was born without the use of his arms and with double clubfeet but that has not stopped this amazing little boy.  He has learned how do things for himself using his feet. 

At a very early age, Josiah has overcome so many obstacles and yet continues to smile and to love and now...

He finally has a family, a wonderful family, to love him back, to help and support him as he faces future obstacles.  No longer will he struggle without a family to encourage him, no longer will he overcome without a family to celebrate every single, little triumph with him.  As wonderful as the loving staff at the Harmony House is, and they are WONDERFUL, they cannot be what a true family can be to a child.

I have been in touch with Josiah's beautiful new family and they are working very hard to bring him home and are praying that God will provide what they need to do so.  They have started a blog, Waiting on Him and have a donate button to try and raise the much needed funds that as we all know can be a financial burden.  If you feel lead to do so, please go to their blog, Waiting on Him and donate whatever you can to help them bring Josiah home.  If you cannot donate (because I know how many of us are hurting right now), please just help to spread the word.  I know they would appreciate it so very much and when you look at this sweet face, you will have faith that those wonderful smiles will not fade!!

So while this week's Sunday Snapshot is not about my family, it very definitely is about a precious child who has touched my heart and I feel very blessed to be able to "know" his family and rejoice in their journey!!

Next week, I will get back to life with 3 wild boys, 2 precocious girls, 3 needy dogs, 1 crazy cat and one very tired hubby!!!  Hehe!

To join in on Stefanie's Sunday Snapshots go here:

Ni Hao Y'all



  1. Simply adorable. Thanks for sharing your heart and introducing me to a delightful boy.

    Delighted to meet you! Hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to get drenched in some serious goodness.


  2. Oh MY! There goes the tears tonight! What JOY! I'm heading over there right now!

  3. What a wonderful Sunday Snapshot. Many blessings to Josiah's family as they start the journey to bring him home!

  4. What wonderful news! He is such a handsome little guy.

  5. Yippee! I am so happy to hear that his family has found him!!!! He has such a precious smile. :)

  6. Hooray! That is wonderful news for him--and for his family.

  7. So happy for Josiah and his new family!

  8. What wonderful news! So great to celebrate that good news together --
    (clicked over from nihaoyall)
    www.wearegraftedin.com -- come check it out!

  9. What an incredibly special little guy :)
    Thanks so much for sharing about him!!
