
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Snapshot - Total Wimp Out

OK, I am gonna totally wimp out on this week's Sunday Snapshot - but with good reason!

This first week of school has totally kicked my...

Yes, this is the sweet child that I will homeschooling this year!  Sigh!

We start tomorrow!!!

So we prepare...

another reason I am wimping out this Sunday...

I have got to study!!!

Yes, wimping out I am because school and these two...

are again, kicking my...

The kids did take pity on me yesterday, though.  It was a rainy Saturday which could have been trouble, serious trouble.  However, they built a really cool fort,

and actually played in it,

and left me alone - for a while anyway,

and this was the last thing I saw right before I went to bed,

God certainly did know what he was doing when He made sleeping kids so stinking cute!  More than makes up for days like this,

Again, this is the girl I have chosen to home school????  Help!

So anyway, I am wimping out but with good reason!  Hopefully I will be back next week with something extra fabulous:)  Of course after our first week of home school and our first week of soccer...

 I will be lucky to be back at all!!  Keep your fingers crossed for me this week!!  Hehe!!

To join in on Stefanie's wonderful Sunday Snapshot go here,

Ni Hao Y'all


  1. The week before and the week of are always so hard. I've been there, done that with three older kids and will be doing it again with two little ones!

    Love all your pictures and your videos are super cute! I hope you have an easy week and get some rest when the kids are in school! =)

  2. Such a fun post! Good luck this week! Your daughter's personality sure shines through in the video! ;)

  3. Happy homeschooling to you! I'm still trying to decipher if God is preparing my heart to do the same. One year to go...
    Looks like you are gonna have a ball!

  4. I'm right there with ya, girl! I feel your pain!!!

  5. We homeschool too...and some days I feel like Calgon take me away...but it all evens out in the end...love having my chicks in the nest...lol

  6. Oh I hope you have a wonderful homeschool week! We started back to homeschool and soccer a couple of weeks ago and I am already POOPED! ;)

  7. I was just going to ask what are you doing for homeschool. Then I saw it! My Father's World. Looks good! I've looked at it several times but haven't used it. I'm still tweaking ours! We were thinking of putting the 2 boys in K this year but I don't really feel the Lord leading us to that. SO I guess for now they will be homeschooling.

  8. Hi, found your blog via the AdvocateforWC group. Just had to comment because I am also using My Father's World kindergarten for my 5 year old. :)

  9. Oh my... I am feeling for you!! I homeschooled one year... it's tough! But I have a feeling you're going to be a wonderful teacher :)
    Hope your first day went well!!
