
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Can you "hear" a picture?

See if you can look at these pictures and "hear" what I heard as I was clicking away??

 I told the girls that their beloved JuJu needed a good picture of them for a family photo frame.  Normally, Emmeline would turn and run away - in the opposite direction - as fast as she could - but yesterday, she was more than willing to strike a pose! 

However, as i was clinking away, this is what happened.

Can you "hear" it???

It is music to my ears...

and good for the soul.

Did you hear it yet?

It is the giggles and while I wasn't able to get quite as many "good" pics as I would have liked, it is the "giggly" pics that I will treasure the most! 

Have a good giggly Friday!!!


  1. Too cute!! There's really nothing better than the giggles is there!!

  2. I can hear 'em and boy did I need it. Thanks for the giggles!

  3. Those were very cute pics. Those 2 look like 2 peas in a pod for sure!

  4. Could Marney have a couple of the "giggle pics" too! Love to you all.

  5. Yep, those giggly pictures are the ones that show life just as it is...

  6. Wonderfully, beautiful giggly girl pics, Annie!! And YES, I do believe I could hear them giggling away!! Can't wait until Kaylin gets to experience having a sibling her age giggling and chattering away with too!! :) Not soon enough.

  7. Absolutely precious, Annie! I love it!

    Have a wonderful weekend! :)


  8. They are beautiful and yes, we can hear it. I'd love for J to have a sister!!
