
Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday Snapshot - Week of Prayer and My Christmas Gift

Sorry for the delay in posting my Sunday Snapshot - more on that in a minute!

I first want to thank everyone who participated in our week of prayer.  Sharon and I faithfully prayed for each and everyone of you and I know there were many others praying as well.  This was a leap of faith for me and I felt so very privileged and moved to be able to pray for you all.  Looking back, I understand why it had to be this week, why the Lord chose this week instead of the week that Sharon and I had first discussed.  It has been a rough week for me and being able to absolutely loose myself in prayer for others has gotten me through and just today when I was finishing up a round of prayers, I received an email.  A beautiful email and I asked if I could share it with you:

I have seen prayer working really strongly this week! Prior to this week, I had thought it was God's plan to add another WC to our family, but my husband hasn't been so sure, especially because we depleted our savings with our adoption in September. (For that adoption we did no fundraising and relied solely on savings and our incomes to pay for the adoption.) DH has done an about-face this week, and I attribute that to all our prayers! Now he so firmly believes that it's God's will for us that we've even looked at some WC lists together.  I stumbled upon a little boy Thursday night, and I believe he is my child.  I approached my husband, and he has given me the go-ahead to inquire about the child!  He says he believes that God will provide the money!  (This is a far cry from his previous "we need to wait and build up the savings account".)  Again this morning during church, I saw him jot down the quote, "God doesn't call those who are equipped...He equips those He calls."  And then DH mentioned the quote and referred to our adoption discussion!  So...thanks again for the prayer!!  It's definitely been effective in my situation, and our questions and prayers are being answered!! 

Wow!  Our Lord is so great and so powerful and I am thanking Him over and over tonight!  Please know that Sharon and I will continue to pray for all those who leave requests.  You can go to my post, here or Sharon's post, here or both to leave your continued requests!  Thank you to all who left requests and all who joined us in prayer!

Now, on to why this Sunday Snapshot is late. 

I only asked for 2 things for Christmas this year, Retin A for my face (hey, what can I say, I was a sun worshiper in my young and foolish days, sigh) and some time with my wonderful Mom - alone - you know - without kids!!

Well I got the Retin A and I am shedding worse than the blasted dogs and...

I am spending the night with my wonderful Momma - alone - without kids!  Wow!

When I was out of college and past the "you just don't understand" phase of our relationship, I moved closer to home and rediscovered my Mom.  We truly had a great time hanging out together and just enjoying each other.  No matter what we did, however, it always seemed to revolve around food and cooking, something we both enjoyed and could share together.

As the years passed and I got married and started having kids and um, didn't stop, we have not had a lot of time to just hang and talk and cook and EAT!   

So, tonight, we were able to talk and eat (she did the cooking because well, I started having kids and didn't stop - LOL) and really enjoy each other - without interruption!

Have you ever had ginger sandwhiches??  They are to die for!!!

We indulged in a glass

or two of the bubbly - cause this was a special occasion and all, y'all!!

We had cheesecake for dessert - my absolute fav!!

and tomorrow...

I get to sleep in!!!!!!  Life is SO good!!!!! 

Tonight I had the chance to be a daughter again and my wonderful Mom had the chance to be a Mom again and it was good for my soul - and yummy!!!!

Thank you Mom and a special thanks to my fabulous hubby who is checking his list taking care of the kids tonight and hasn't even once called me screaming!!!  I love you!!!  Please don't let those kids of yours destroy my house!!!  Hehe!!

To join in on more Sunday Snapshots go here,

Ni Hao Yall


  1. There's nothing like "going home", even for just a little while, is there? Should make it a little easier when yours grow up and leave the nest, knowing that you will always be "home" and they will come back for a rest and rejuvenate....The tomatoes with what I assume is balsamic vinegar look yummy! :)

  2. That's great Ann. Great food on pretty dishes, a lovely bed all to yourself, and your mom all to yourself! Wow! Now about that retin A....where can I get some! :-)

  3. It's so nice to be able to rest with your mom - I try to do that every few months. Definitely helps keep the sanity! Your food looks YUMMY!


  4. This is the BEST gift! What fun! Now, I have NEVER had a ginger sandwich and you did NOT say what they are? I am intrigued!

    You and your mom are precious!

  5. First my friend...I got it! I got this post! YAY!! I feel reconnected again with you! ;)

    I am so blessed to hear how the Lord was working in your friend's life and in her and now her husband's desire to adopt again. Praising!!

    Thank you for your continued prayers for us and for Kaleb, too.

    AND....how awesome for you to have such a fun mother/daughter time!! You are blessed in ways you don't even know. Praying you feel refreshed in every way!! HUGS!!

  6. What a wonderful blessing, friend. Just lovely.

  7. hey, it is my computer, or what? I never saw a post from you for ages...and now there are heaps. I'll have fun catching up :)

  8. Awww...that's priceless and what a precious pic of you and your mom! Glad you got the two things you asked for! Hope the house was all in order when you got home and your hubby survived alright! :)


  9. Precious precious time together. I miss my momma so much and haven't been able to fly home to visit in in over 2 years because of our saving for this adoption. I am missing her SO much and wish we could spend some time together. I am so happy to see the delightful time you are having with your momma! How wonderful! Remember every minute!

  10. Wow! How WONDERFUL, Annie!
    Looks like you two had an absolute blast together... a relationship like that with your mom is such a blessing :)

  11. What a great Christmas gift (time for you). ps-In addition to the Waiting Child Blog spin-off, do you think you could create a RECIPE blog spin-off(including the ginger sandwiches) in your spare time? Makes me hungry ;)

  12. ps-I was just kidding about your "spare time"...how do you do it?
