
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday Snapshot - Re Entry...

is SO hard!
It always is when we go to "our" beach,

but this time...

it seemed harder than ever and I am trying to figure out why.

We had fun,

so much fun...

but we always do.

Maybe it was because the kids are older

and easier?  Nah, it was probably the Margaritas!!  Hehe!

Maybe it is because there was no Wii or X box or Internet!  Gulp!

Maybe it was because I read a really good book and I never get to read a really good book or any book for that matter! More on that later!  This book warrants it's own post!

I do know, however, that I enjoyed our kids tremendously and I enjoyed our time together and I enjoyed just - slowing - down! 

We water skied,

even the forty (yikes) seven year old mother of 5 busted some moves out there!  

I couldn't move the next day but boy was it fun!!

We rode the tube

and the knee board

We had fun at the beach

and crabbed off the dock

and after seeing my 5 year old princess baiting the crab hooks like an old pro, I knew there was lowcountry blood running through her veins!

I don't bait hooks but she sure does!  She would make her Gada proud!

Through God's grace and my wonderfully generous parents, my family has been able to come to this beach, our beach ever since I was a baby.  There are a lot of memories there and to see my kids playing on the same beach and the same dock that I played on as a child just fills my soul!

I hope to one day bring my grandchildren there and think about the times spent running and playing and building memories with their parents! 

I soak this beach up and it is so very hard to leave, to go back to the reality of schedules and responsibilities.

So one of these days, if you can't find me, you'll know where to look...

To enjoy more Sunday Snapshots please go here,

Sunday Snapshot


  1. Isn't a beach get away just about the best thing ever!?! I can't wait for ours in just a few weeks! Glad you enjoyed yourself!

  2. That looks awesome, relaxing and so.much.fun!!! I'm halfway through Crazy Love and wowzers...it's good on so many levels. Love the pictures!!! :)

  3. What a wonderful vacation!!! My kinda dream vacation! And L.O.V.E. that book too!!! Can't wait to read your post on it! :)

  4. That looks like so much fun! You are just awesome - a mom of FIVE getting up on waterkis! Since I waterski with a wonderful adaptive program for people with physical disabilities, I'm not waterskiing until August (I'm jealous!) and I agree with you about the soreness. I have so much fun waterskiing that I forget I'm getting a workout! Next week, I'm headed to to the beach I grew up on at my grandmother's summer house' I'm excited but the house is full of so many reminders of my grandfather, an avid fisherman who had the house built back in the '70s so he could have someplace to store his boat and spend more time with my grandmother (instead of driving back and forth from NJ to his favorite fishing spot at the eastern end of Long Island), and the house is just so filled with the person he was that it's sometimes painful to go there - he passed away five years ago. Even outside of the house isn't the same because it's not flourishing with his beautiful flowers and the vegetable/herb garden isn't overflowing. He taught me fishing (Em is so awesome doing the crab baiting!) and clamming - we clam all day and fish all evening. I figured out a way to go clamming despite my paralysis, as raking a long rake through the sand in deep water is something that someone in a wheelchair shouldn't be able to do, but no one told me! :-), just like Lizzie will figure out a way to do so many things she's not "supposed" to do. The picture of your kiddos all tubing together is great! My favorite is the one of Em and Lizzie in their matching suits - way too adorable for words. Lizzie definitely is your LITTLE Lizzie - I can't believe those two are two months apart! It's just so good to spend time together with your family and NO Internet or video games!

  5. A fantastic vacation!!! Each photo is precious!

  6. So glad you're back and you all had a great time! You took awesome pictures!!!! Loved seeing them!!
