
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Snapshot - It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...


Yes, it's that time of year again.

The time of year that soccer hijacks my blog for a while, when pics of big ones and little ones kicking a ball around the soccer field replace pics of big ones and little ones jumping into the water and our long lazy days on my front porch!  Sigh!

Yesterday was the official start of the girls' soccer season and it was a bit, um, different for my soccer stars!

Ya see, my baby girls, my 5 year old little sweeties are playing in U8 this year!  That's right Under 8 years old, which means they will be up against a lot of 7 year olds and teams that have been together for a while! 


Now I have a 13 year old and an 11 year old and an 8 year old so I know how little a 7 year old actually is but to a 5 year old, that same 7 year old is huge...

and to my little Lizzie, a 7 year old is not just huge, a 7 year old is  HUGE!!!

So, they had their first game...

against a much older team....

and on a much bigger field....

and it was HOT....

and they got creamed....

but ya know what....

my two little 5 year old baby girls got themselves up, brushed themselves off and went on to play in the very next game because one of the teams didn't have enough players!

Ah, those two!  They might bicker as sisters do and they might drive me absolutely bananas some days but when these two join forces - watch out - and that always makes me smile - well almost always!  Hehe!

So, what do you do after a long day of soccer in the heat??

Why you go swimming, of course!

Soccer pics and "jumping in the water" pics all in one post! 

Aren't y'all lucky!  Heh!

As we say goodbye to summer and hello to U8 soccer, I am reminded just how fast they grow up and just how much, I cannot stop it!  Sniff, sniff!!! 

So I will enjoy every single U there is and tell myself that, chances are, at least one of them is likely to mooch move back in after college!!  Hehe!

To join in on Sunday Snapshot, go here

Sunday Snapshot


  1. ohhhh your babies!!! Playing U-7 wow! My Jorja is plays U-8 (but that is her age - though she is WAY smaller then the other girls!) My hubby and 2 older kids are at a soccer tournament out of town -it's killing me not being there!

  2. What fabulous photos! I love how your girls' personality comes through. Soccer season already! Hard to believe. Have fun!

  3. Love soccer-we have Volleyball and Flag foot ball! Love the pictures.
