
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Snapshot - Swimming

Ever heard of Christmas in July??

Well how about swimming in November???

Yes, it is the week before Thanksgiving and it was a brisk 80 something degrees here, so after a hot afternoon of soccer...

The girls figured it was time to go swimming...

in November


right before Thanksgiving

turkey who???

it was hot

and that was all it took

for a 20 minute quick trip back to summer

tomorrow may bring coats and scarfs but today

was all about bathing suits and swimming pools!! 

and where were the boys you might ask???

Not here!  Heh!

To read more Sunday Snapshots go here,

Sunday Snapshot


  1. This post brought back memories of what an 80 degree day feels like! Hehe!

  2. Only in the south can you do such things! What brave little girls, I'm sure that water was cold!

  3. really? swimming? in November??

    i am so jealous. better not let my girls know this, they will be green with envy!!!

    i don't think that 80 degree weather in November ever happens up here in Cheeseland. lol

    your girls look like they had do much fun! :)

  4. Well I guess one benefit for us living here in Florida is to be able to go swimming almost year round, but sometimes we get so silly thinking 80 is too cold for going swimming, and well you are right, of course it is not!! :) How wonderful that you all got that opportunity!
