
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Ok, so I am in the air somewhere over Georgia...

Yeah, not China – darn – but hey – one step at a time – right!

So there are some changes coming

Change isn't always something that I do well


This change I can do!

As most of you all know, I have an advocacy site

a site that was born from our adoption of Lizzie

a site that was born from seeing the faces of those in Lizzie's orphanage who still waited

a site born from having my eyes opened and my heart broken

Now that I know, how could I not...

Wonderful Waiting Kids has evolved from just posting waiting kiddos on Cornbread and Chopsticks

to an actual advocacy blog – yeah big time – hehe

to the site that it is today

and while I have put a lot of my heart and soul into this site

I always left myself open to whatever the Lord had in store for me and for my advocacy


It is ALL Him anyway

As my site grew and the time I spent advocating grew and my time on the computer grew, my prayers never changed...

Guide me Lord

guide my advocacy

Show me what YOU want me to do


More to come...


  1. I can't wait to watch the rest of the story unfold!! I know I have shared my excitement for you, but I don't think I have offered my congratulations... CONGRATULATIONS!! You and Angie are a powerful duo!! Blessings, Jenni

  2. Whoa! I am excited to hear what will be happening!!

    Our dear Abby came from your site- I new you had our child somewhere on your lists- I just didn't know who it was until God revealed his plan!

    So thankful she is home!!

    Don't make us wait long!! I wanna hear what's happening SOON!!

  3. So excited for you! Love your site, love your heart! You are making such a difference!!

  4. I tried commenting the other day, but blogger and my phone were not friends that day evidently. Anywho, way to leave us hanging! I can't wait to hear!!!!!!!!!

  5. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I can't wait to read the rest!:-)
