
Saturday, August 4, 2012

New Button!!!!

So you may have noticed XM's cute little face on my sidebar??

I could just gaze at that sweet face all day!

Anyway, that cute little picture is actually a new button 

This button links up to a fund raising site that our amazing cousin, Stephanie set up for us!

Let's Bring Xiaomeng Home 

Beautiful Stephanie emailed me just the other day and asked if she could do this for us!

In less than a week, she had this site up and running and has completely blown us away!

Her goal is to raise $10,000 for us!


I have told her, however, that even if there were no donations, the mere fact that she wanted to do this for us, is such a gift and means the world to us!

We don't get to see beautiful Stephanie very much as she doesn't live any where near us but her heart for our sweet child sure can be felt over those many miles!

Every time something like this happens, every time someone reaches out to us in this way, it just helps to strengthen our faith that our sweet baby girl WILL come home!

 It may not be in our time, but she WILL come home!

I am asking all my bloggy buddies, that if you feel so led, we sure would appreciate it if you would grab that sweet face and post it to you sidebar!

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11

It would be so easy to "not see" the way to get our girl home.

It would be so easy to "not see" how we could raise the $10,000 needed to give her a family...

OUR family.

It would be so easy to "not see" how in the world the Lord would provide in the midst of hubby's unemployment...


we have FAITH!!!!!

We don't need to "see"

We just need to trust and have faith that the Lord WILL provide,

He WILL pave the way,

He WILL remove all obstacles...

to bring our XM home

and when beautiful Stephanie emailed me and told me what she wanted to do for us, it was one more big ole faith moment for us.

Thank you beautiful Stephanie and thank you to any and all who share that sweet button!


  1. It will happen Annie! God will make a way!

    1. Thank you dear Rebecca!!!! Your journey is testament to that:):)

  2. Do you have a name/mailing address set up for checks rather than credit card?

    1. We do! You can mail checks to Journey Together with HAMLIN written in the subject line at
      2197 Sandy Point Lane, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466 and it is tax deductible!!!!! Thank you so so much!!!!!!!

  3. Wow- Annie-
    having trouble with my comments... I'll make it short and simple this time!

    Praise God for your sweet girl AND for your friend Stephanie! She is the hands and the feet of our dear Lord!

    Can't wait to see your girl in your arms!

    God is so so GOOD!!!

  4. The new button is on my sidebar. :)

  5. Hello to all of Annie's blog buddies! Thank you so much for supporting Annie, Chris and their family (which is my family too!) with your love and prayers. It has been a pleasure to set up a fund raising site to bring Xiaomeng home, and I hope you'll visit the site often and share with your friends. I'm adding updates daily with photographs and fun facts, so even if you've already donated or are unable to donate at the present time, it's worth visting the site! Thank you again, and I know I speak for everyone when I say that I can't wait for Xiaomeng to be home with her family! Love, Cousin Stephanie
