
Monday, August 13, 2012

Provisions - Post #2

OK, so as I sit here thinking about all the Lord has done and is doing for us, I honestly had to write it all down.

If you missed yesterday's post, go here, the first of my "Provisions" post series and catch up a bit!

Post #2

As I look back over this summer, I can see the hand of God everywhere and yes, while He still has not provided a job for hubby - yet - He HAS provided and while I would so love for hubby to have a job, really I would (duh, as my kids would say), I don't know that we would have recognized these blessings, these provisions, had hubby been providing or that we would so clearly see just how fully He alone, is providing for this adoption.

The last time hubby was out of work, we learned to rely on Him and rely on Him daily, just as He provided manna in the desert, He provided our daily bread and in that time of struggle, provided our salvation!!

So, on to His provisions for our sweet XM!

BTW, praying that He will also provide a NAME for our sweet XM!


Might have to ask for YOUR help!

Okay, so a while back, right after hubby lost his job, I realized that we were short a bed!

The girls were sleeping in my old queen size bed and that was fine for them as Lizzie liked being able to snuggle up with Em whenever she got scared....


Anyway, while this worked well for Em and Lizzie, it really would not work out so well for Em, Lizzie and XM and having slept with Lizzie on many occasions, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that while the bed was technically big enough for Em and her two "little" sisters, it was no where near big enough for the tornado that is Lizzie when she sleeps.

That girl really should take gymnastics as she does gymnastics in - her - sleep!!!!!

So, I was trying to figure out what we could do.

We really had no money to go out a buy another bed and while we did have an extra twin bed, I couldn't figure out how to make it fit comfortably in that room - with the queen bed.

As I was pondering this dilemma one day, a thought occurred to me.

I belong to a really great homeschooling group that posts about everything from curriculum, to prayer requests, to (you guessed it) furniture for sale.

So, I posted that I needed a bunk bed at a really great price!  I figured I could easily get a bunk bed in that room with the twin that we had and still have room to move around!

Well, no sooner had I posted than a wonderful family answered and told me that they were selling all their furniture, selling their home, buying an RV and were taking their home schooling "on the road!"

Isn't that just so cool - for them!


When I think about 6 kiddos, 4 dogs and 2 ornery cats in an RV for longer than oh say about a minute or so...

Well, we just won't go there!  Heh!

Anyway, this family said that they had a bunk bed that they could sell me and...

get this...

It was a double bed on the bottom and a twin on top!!!!!


Enough room for all 3 girls in ONE bed!


The Lord provided and...

when this family heard why we needed the bed, they reduced the price even more and threw in the mattresses as well!!!

The Lord provided!!!!

When we got the bed it was red and in need of a little TLC but leave it to my handy hubby and the girls have a brand new....

PINK bed and it looks AWESOME!!!

My dear friend Sharon even donated the beautiful bed spread the last time hubby was out of work!

He is always working!!!!


So, in the midst of all of this, I happen to get an email from my amazing, wonderful friend, Stefanie over at Ni Hao Y'all telling me that an incredible family wanted to donate to us.

Melissa had read Stefanie's Birthday Post about us and decided that her family should donate to help us bring our sweet XM home.

Melissa wanted to donate the Ipad that they had won from another fund raising, adoptive family, only that adoptive family had been unable to ship the Ipad to this incredible family!  Melissa told Stefanie, that the adoptive family tried and tried to ship the Ipad to her but it would just never ship and..

now she knew why...

The adoptive family kindly offered to put $600 (the cost of the Ipad) into Melissa's paypal account but at that moment, Melissa knew that she was supposed to give that money to us and that this was why that Ipad was never able to be shipped!!


The Lord provided!

Now, I was getting all this through sweet Stefanie and did not know at that time who the adoptive family was who had held the Ipad fund raiser in the first place...

but I was soon to find out!

Shortly after that email from Stefanie, I got an email from my amazing bloggy friend, Jennifer who told me that she was the family that had held the Ipad fund raiser and that she was going to put $600 in my paypal account because the Lord had moved Melissa's heart for us and Melissa wanted us to be able to have our own Ipad fund raiser...

The Lord provided!

Now, you might think this story ends here and it could because in and of itself, it is an amazing story of how He provides through those who keep Him in their hearts but...

there is more...

Sweet Jennifer, the adoptive family who had held the original Ipad fund raiser was raising money to bring two sweet babies home and...

one of those babies was beautiful Addyson who was being cared for at - the - same - rehabilitation hospital as our precious XM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa had no idea that Jennifer's daughter, Addyson, (the child that she was originally moved to help by participating in Jennifer's Ipad fundraiser) was being cared for at the same exact hospital as the second child that she felt called to help - our XM!!!


The Lord provides and in such amazing ways!

Don't miss installment #3, tomorrow, I hope...

I don't have an RV but I do have 5 (soon to be 6) kids, 4 dogs and 2 ornery cats.

Just sayin...


  1. You know this is a somewhat dangerous post for families who are trying to figure out just how many one can put into one house - most think of bunk beds holding two only but now with your revelation that such items as a bunk bed for three that is not three straight up, more ammunition is given to those who have reluctant spouses. IE 'Look dear, in nearly the same space we can put 3 more instead of 2 more!'

    1. Haha!!!! Tim, I love it and I love your heart for these beautiful children. Now, have you been to my advocacy site lately... LOL!!!!

  2. LOVE IT! I really wish I had written it all down for Ji's adoption because we started with ZERO. Did you hear me say Z-E-R-O and we ended up fully funded in 14 months. I'm going to have to do that next time ;) XM is going to be a Hamlin for sure! YES LORD!!!!

    1. WOW! Amy, that is what I find so amazing! The Lord just provides over and over and over again for these kiddos and their wonderful forever families!!!! Praying for you all my dear!

  3. Amaxing - our God is so amazing! Thank you for sharing God's provision on your blog. I just got chills as I read post #1. Would love to know the homeschool site where you found the bunk beds. I didn't know you hsed. We do too! Jan

    1. Thank you Jan! The HS site is a local group and they are great! SO many resources!! I HS our 9 year old but hope to bring the girls home next year, maybe!

  4. this is GREAT...can not wait for the rest of the story..I bet Tim is talking to the Mrs right now about that bed..hehe

  5. What an amazing story you'll have to share with your XM one day! :)

    1. She is so loved and I cannot wait to share all of this with her!!!! Thank you Rita!!!

  6. Love you sweet friend....and I think I have the matching comforter for the top bunk. Gives me a reason to meet up and give you a hug!

    The Lord provides.....He provided me with a beautiful friend in you!!

    1. Oh Sharon!!!! God bless you my sweet friend! Please do come down again VERY soon!!!!!

  7. Heehee, we found a bunkbed set with trundle before our last adoption and thought - well, the trundle would be nice for friends. . . or um the baby we didn't know was coming home in less than a year LOL!

  8. Annie, your testimonies of God's provision are SO faith building! I am so encouraged by reading your blog tonight! We too have experienced His amazing provision in so many ways, and wrote down every little and big blessing along the journeys. You will be so blessed to look back and remember His faithfulness! Thank you for all you do in service to our King!

    1. Thank you so much sweet Laine! It can be so easy to get lost in what is not happening instead of rejoicing in what IS happening!!! Writing all of His blessings down, does help to remind us of just how much He does do for us!!!!

  9. Awesome Annie!so cool to hear how God has provided.

  10. I love the bedroom colors! So sweet and energetic. Anything else you need for the room before XM comes home? Sometimes I end up with random things from clients homes that I'd be happy to pass along.

  11. Oh Stephanie!!!! Thank you so much!

  12. Oh Annie, I love it when God shows out like that! :) Your family deserves all these blessings and I'm SO happy for you all! Love the pink bed and it's perfect for the girls! Now I can't wait to see what job God is going to give your hubby! Now if God would just do something miraculous with my hubby's heart for adopting again...... :) I'm SO there!


    1. Thank you so much Tammy! I prayed for you all today!!!! ANYTHING is possible with GOD!!!!!

  13. That is so awesome, the Lord is moving!!!So happy for your family!
    Holly Arnold
