
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sun Porch Chat

 My wonderful friend Tammy over at Country Girl at Home invited me to sit down with her on her amazing sun porch, have some cheesecake (yum) and coffee and just have a chat!

She is doing a really fun series called Sun Porch Chats and I was incredibly honored that she asked me to "chat" with her!

Would love for you to join us...


Thank you sweet Tammy for allowing me to open up my heart in such a fun way.  I always love sharing about my family, adoption and our journey to the Lord!  Hopefully, one of these days we can sit and visit (that's what we call it down here - hehe), share our hearts and our fav desserts, face to face.  I am saving a rocker just for you:)


  1. Annie,

    Thank you so much for joining me for the Sunporch Chat and for putting so much of your heart into the questions I asked! I've thoroughly enjoyed learning more about you and your heart! I love your love for family and the way you live your lives day to day in faith! You are an inspiration! And I can't wait to see your little XM's sweet face in those family pics! :)

    Yes, one day, maybe we'll meet in person! I sure hope so!


  2. Dear Annie,
    I went over to Tammy's blog and read your interview! Great words!!! I read where your daughter is waiting in a CP Rehabilitation Hospital~ do you mind sharing with me which one? We are adopting a little girl in one as well and wondered if they might be together. She is in Ruzhou. Hope you are doing well and thank you for your response!
    Blessings and love,

  3. Love her sunporch! Love cheese cake Love coffee! Loved the chat!! So nice to get to know you even better through the chat and just to confirm you are as lovely as I always thought you were, inside and out!
