
Friday, November 30, 2012

The Name Game!


We have a name!!!!


However, I am going to be really mean and make you wait....

just a little while longer!


While we wait though and so you don't shoot me - I thought it might be fun to play the name game!

So, hold your fire and play along!

The first person to guess the name can win a wonderful snap bracelet!

These great bracelets were donated to me by my amazing friend, Tammy over at Quantum Jewelry.  
You will get to pick either

"I Do Believe"  "Help Me Not To Doubt" 


"I Am Not Alone" "God Is With Me"

Tammy describes these great bracelets as "snap" bracelets cause you can snap your wrist when you are wearing them if you ever need to remember what they are telling you!  Love it!  
I have several more - they would make great stocking stuffers!  Hint Hint!

So, are you ready?

Here is our name list.

Eleanor (Ella)
Samantha (Sam)
Virginia (Ginger)
Catherine (Cate)

and here is her sweet face

OK, the first person to guess which name we picked will win the bracelet!!!

I will post afterwards to tell you just how the Lord helped us choose!

Good luck!


  1. Catherine! Cate would fit in perfect with your girls!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm thinking she looks like Lucy. Plus, I wanted a Lucia Love just so I could call her Lucy!

  4. Ella !! It's Ella !!! Just a guess ! Any way it's so much fun to guess they are all great names and I am sure they are all special to you!

  5. I would guess Virginia (Ginger). She has the look of being spicy like ginger!

  6. Either Ella or Lucy .....hmmmmmI guess I'll go with Ella

  7. oh darn... I've already lost!
    Well I am going to say Virginia cuz that was my mom's name and I love Ginger and actually have thought of that for one of our treasures!

    Of course I love Cate (Kate), Ella and Sam!

    Rosie and Lucy are cute but it's Ginger!

  8. I can't wait to read what neme you selected! I've already lost but I like Catherine!

  9. I don't think that Rosie was mentioned before but I'm guessing Rosie anyway! Yipeeee!

  10. Even though I'm not the first, I have to take part and guess. I am going to say Ella. So excited to hear what name you have chosen, and so very happy for you!!!!

  11. I'm guessing Lucy, but I know someone already has! Oh my goodness...they're all such lovely names! No wonder you've had a hard time narrowing it down!

  12. I would love one of those bracelets, how do I get one? Cara
