
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Today was the First Day

of Hubby's new job!!  

He left last night and we are praising and trusting.

We are so grateful to the Lord for this provision.

It is a good job.

It is a job that Chris has wanted for a long time.
It will provide for our family.

It allows us to get our adoption started again but...

it is not here.

We really did not want to move but knew that we would have to just trust in Him to either open the door for us to stay here - or not - and I am so not complaining because HUBBY HAS A JOB but simply asking for prayers as we muddle through our first big move as a family.

You see, I grew up an hour from here, my Mom is still in the same house that I grew up in, my brother and his wife live 15 minutes away from my Mom on a beautiful horse farm 

and our kids have known no other home.
We did move to Jacksonville Florida for about 3 years right after we got married but could not wait to get back.

We have many good friends here, friends that I know for a fact, the Lord specifically placed in our path to help to guide us in our faith journey.
We have soccer.

Hubby has run the Little Kickers program for the soccer club that he helped to start for about 3 years now and that will be hard to give up.

Our kids have friends whom they have known since they were 2 years old - or younger.

We have a church that we love.

I have a front porch that I love - hehe - and neighbors who are wonderful.

It is home.


There is a plan and we have learned to just trust and know that it has all been mapped out and because we cannot see the plan, we know that all we have to do is get out of the way and watch the plan, His plan, unfold...

and unfold in a way that is for our best, whether that "best" is in the here and now or way off in the future, so we pray and we trust and we have patience....

and we move...

not right away but after the school year and/when this house sells.

The kids, well most of the kids, are excited.  All it took was the mere mention that we would have snow every year,  and all but the oldest, Christian, were packing.  Ack!

Christian is 15 and well, nuf said.
The other cool detail, cause we all know that God is in the details, is the fact that ALL of Hubby's immediate family lives there, where we are going.
Yep, the Lord arranged it so that we would move to the same area that Hubby's parents, brother and his family and sister and her family live and, just in case you were wondering, that is an awesome gift!  I know it may not be for everyone, but for us, it is!!!

Really - hehe
I am not done yet though!

Right when Hubby was interviewing and considering this job, we got some pics of our sweet XM!!!!

A wonderful family who was adopting one of XM's roomies, you know the one who sent me the video of her eating, not knowing that our XM was actually in the video??  Go here , to read that incredible blessing.

Anyway, this wonderful family visited the hospital where XM is and where her son was and...

got pics, and...

found out that there is a sweet little 2 year old who is very attached to our XM!  According to this family, this precious little 2 year old follows XM around and our sweet child, watches over her!!

Be still my heart!

I am still not finished though...

that precious little 2 year old, who is so attached to our daughter is coming home to a sweet family who lives VERY close to us and will still live VERY close to us, even after we move!  We had already found each other through a mutual friend's blog (thanks Tammy), before we had a clue that our girlies were friends!



Lord, you ROCK!

How could I not trust?

How could I not just give it all to You?

Your plans, while not always easy, are just waaaay better than my own and I am so excited to see what You have in store for us!

So, it is full steam ahead for our precious XM - gotta decide on a name for real now!  LOL!  
Might have to do a name poll!
Just remember, the girls want Ella and those silly boys want Samantha - shhhhh.

You did not hear that from me but I am not above buying votes, not really but maybe.  Hehe!


  1. Awesome... All of it! Praise God!!! And prayers for Christian:(

  2. Beautiful post Annie. Your trust and hope in the Lord is a testimony to all! And..while I'm sad you are leaving us, NC is not so far away!! And with technology today its so easy to stay "connected"--what a blessing! Go pick out a name for that girl!!!

    1. Thank you sweet Shannon! I cannot wait to meet your beautiful little girl!!!! SO happy for you my friend!

  3. Awesome, Annie. And you won't be far away with the internet. :) Love you!!

    1. Dear Kim! I will never forget the first time we realized that we were right down the road from each other! Seems like a lifetime ago! WOW! So thankful that the Lord brought us together!

  4. So excited for your big adventure! We will be praying for all the pieces to continue to fall perfectly as your husband is away and you sell your house and most importantly get ready fot XM:)

  5. Oh, Annie. That last piece of the story gives me chills. I'm so happy for you, nervous with you, but trusting that God truly does have this plan mapped out for you.

    1. Sweet Rita! Thank you so much!!! When I sit and think about how much He has done for us, it gives me chills too!!!

  6. Bless you sweet friend~ we will always be connected as our girls will be. I am SO thankful they are close and love each other. Blessings and love through the next months!!! XO

  7. What a sweet post Annie! Change is never easy, but what a wonderful testament you are to trusting in our Lord! His way is always so wonderfully perfect. How exciting to get new pictures, what a sweetie. Time for a NAME!:)

  8. So thankful that things are coming together and God is revealing HIS plan to you! It is hard to move but when it is directed by God things just seem to fall into place!!

    I would be oh so happy IF you were moving to MN? ANy chance?
    Continuing to pray!

  9. I posted a comment from my iphone which for some reason never works. So here I am a day later catching up. Just wanted to say, Woo-Hoo!!!! BUT I know moving is hard especially from family, friends, and familiarity. At least you are moving closer to other family. I'm sure they are sooooo excited to have all of you closer. Ella is a beautiful name for your beauty! I like Samantha, but I know if she were my Samantha, she'd be called Sammy or Sam. But that's just us. We call Ally "Al" all the time. Either way, she's such a cutie she'll hold any name well!!!! I'm so happy for you all!!! God is certainly taking care of you!
