
Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday Snapshot - Happy Birthday Sweet Emmeline!

There she goes again...

Getting another year older....

and just cuter and cuter!

My sweet Em is 7 years old today and even though she won't admit it...

She is such a great mix of girlie girl and tough tomboy!

I guess that's what you get when you cross a princess with 3 older brothers!

I fought the whole girlie girl, princess thing for a long time but...

I have finally yielded to the mightier power!

Those princesses fight dirty y'all!  Heh!

This year my beautiful princess decided that, instead of a party, she would like to go out with me and do a little shopping.

She has wanted an American Girl Doll for a very long time and was finally able to convince Hubby and myself to let her JuJu get one for her!

So, we went out in search of the stuff of princesses and American Girl Dolls accoutrement!

 We found the perfect spot and spent most of our time there just admiring all the sparkly stuff and trying on the tiaras!

We finally ended up with matching princess dresses for my sweet princess and her soon to be sidekick, doll!

We ended the day with lunch at her most fav, fine dining establishment, W*ndy's, where we enjoyed some fine cuisine and even finer conversation!

It was a good day and I will cherish every last second...

cause my girlie girl is another year older and another year closer to not being my "little" girl anymore...

however, what a true joy it has been to watch you grow and laugh and love. 

You are tough one minute and nurturing the next.

You love princesses, cartwheels, babies and math and can say things that just take my breath away and I thank the Lord everyday for the chance to know you and to love you! 

Happy birthday Princess Em!
To read more Sunday Snapshots, please go to Stefanie's wonderful blog here

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Happy birthday to your beautiful and sweet Emmeline! Oh how I remember and miss the American dolls!

    I didn't realize that your Emmeline and my Colt shared a birthday. March 4th is Colt's too!

    I hope it's a terrific day for Emmeline and I wish many blessings for her and your entire family!


    1. Thank you sweet Tammy. Her bday is actually the 3rd but I am lame and didn't get it up until after midnight:) LOL!

  2. What a beautiful post about your precious Emmeline! Happy Birthday to your sweet girl! God Bless you and your wonderful family!

  3. Birthday, congratulations nice.
    Surrounded by many friends, it is a very good time.
    Please to cherish.
    Sharing happiness is very important.
    Children are a family treasure.
    I will present a lot of blessed kiss from Japan.
    Ryoma Sakamoto.

  4. Happy Happy "7th" Birthday to Princess Emmeline! You truly are a Princess, Sweetie! You are Daughter of The Mightiest King! I love your new doll. She looks just like you!
    Here's a Birthday Hug from snowy Minnesota: {{HUG}}
    Love You ~ Jo Moseley

  5. Looks like she had an awesome day! Happy Birthday!! And enjoy you're new doll. My daughter loved those!!!
