
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Details Coming - I Promise

Thank you so much to all who replied to Hubby's post and our wonderful news!!!

He has not stopped giggling - seriously!

I know we promised details and they are coming but...

after a full weekend of travel and house hunting...
I am to pooped to post!
details will come very soon!
For now, I will leave you with another sweet picture of our sweet little FuFu...
and yes, here we go again on the name game!  


  1. SO SO HAPPY for you! And for FuFU! What a lucky girl.

    But I don't envy you on the playing the name game again! LOL!!! We are nearing the end of our latest round and isn't nearly as much fun as people think it should be. ;)

  2. Not the name game again! Ha ha. What a wonderful problem to have! She is such a cutie. Can't wait for more details.

  3. She is so gorgeous. Congratulations.

  4. SO SO adorable!!! SO excited for you all and two precious girls waiting! God is SO good!!!!! XO
