
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Snapshot - Edisto...

Should be Edist-ahhhh

this summer as every summer...

my sweet Momma made it possible for us to just sit back


and just enjoy each other

there is no place on earth like Edisto for me

or for Hubby

he proposed to me there

right on this dock

Sadly, this may have been our last summer here

in this peaceful place

full of wonderful memories

I pray that one day, the Lord will provide the way for us to retire here

to end our life here on earth together at the very place that it began

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 
Psalm 37:4

He certainly knows that Hubby and I desire this place, not now, but in His time.

For now, I set my heart on what He wants from me this day...

 and I trust!

To read more awesome Sunday Snapshots go to Stef's amazing blog, here,

Ni Hao Yall

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