
Monday, September 23, 2013

The Ones Left Behind

So I posted this video last night... 
and today found out some amazing news and some heartbreaking news. 
The orphanage has agreed to get 6 of these precious children file ready!! Praise the Lord! 
Sweet Kitty (halleluiah), 
precious Luke, 
adorable Carissa, 
sweet Charlie, 
wonderful Cherie 
and amazing Ethaneal 
will hopefully all have files done in about 4 months!!! 
Praise the Lord for this incredible news! 
However, I was also told that sweet, precious Zeb had passed away. 
Oh my heart, only 7 months old... This sweet child died without truly knowing the love of a family. I have to keep reminding myself that he is no longer without love and is in the arms of our heavenly Father, an orphan no more. 
Please pray that these beautiful children will find the love of a family and that these orphanages will begin to understand that each and every child is worthy.


  1. Praying that families find these dear ones quickly! What about Hope? How can we help her? My daughter is blind. Hope's story could have been hers if God had not sent her our way.

    1. Thank you dear Jennifer! I am working on sweet Hope! Just got her info and might start thinking about a wheelchair for her as well as a family!!!

  2. Oh Annie!!!! Our prayers are working! So sad for little Zeb........he has a wonderful family now, though.......sigh......now what about Hope and the little guy that sits next to her?

    1. Sweet Maria, I am working on sweet Hope! Just got her info and might start thinking about a wheelchair for her as well as a family! I will have to go back to see the little one next to her.

  3. Reposted this, thank you so much for passing on all this information.

  4. Not sure what is going on with my computer, but i will try this comment again:)

    Until i held my daughter my heart did not know the depth of the crisis, until i rocked her in my arms my heart did not ache enough, i pray that those who have not seen the orphan in the waiting, that they are moved to MOVE by some way....praise and bless you dear Annie for your sponge like heart that holds the weary and the lonely and won't back down! Hugs to you and yours, exspecially those rockin new angels!

  5. Dear sweet Donna! "your sponge like heart that holds the weary and the lonely and won't back down!" Moved me to tears girl! Thank you!!!

  6. Praise our awesome GOD that they are getting these sweet children paper ready. And i'm so so very sorry to hear about Zeb. My heart aches, but he is with his Heavenly Father like you said.
