
Monday, February 2, 2015

Serving Heart

When people express concern about how our special needs adoptions have affected our other kiddos...

 I just have to smile and say that it has grown their hearts beyond their home and beyond their school and and beyond their friends and beyond their community.

 It is teaching them to serve and my precious Em is growing by leaps and bounds!

Since Lucy has been confined to a wheelchair, Em has been watching me.

She sees every grimace as I lift her sister and lift that wheelchair.

For weeks now, she has NOT let me lift the wheelchair in or out of the car or up and down the stairs, without her help! She will tell me to wait for her to help and she always...


helps with a smile on her face! 

This child will know how to serve and is so learning to look outside of herself. I am so proud of the 9 year old that she will become in just about a month!

Thank you Lord for such a blessing as Emmeline!

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