
Friday, October 2, 2015

Faith of a Child

So the girls came home last week and told me that some boys on the bus had been teasing them.

Lucy explained that these boys would call their names constantly and for no reason.

So, of course, I began to give them all the wise counsel that a well enlightened parent would give...

cause I just know it all, right???

Well, in the midst of my highly enlightened, well informed dissertation on how to handle such situations, my dear little Lucy looked up at me and said...

"Mom, we just prayed about it"

and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

The faith of a child!

Here I was trying to give Motherly advise...

stale "Parent's Magazine" advise... 

when I should have been giving Godly advise.  

Not to worry though cause, apparently, my girls have got it covered!

These two precious ones, who have more reason than I to question, to ask "why", to doubt or to turn away...

just trust

just expect

just believe...

that HE has got it covered!

Lord, give me the faith of a little child!

Help me to just trust, to just expect and to just believe...


  1. Wise and lovely young ladies! May God bless them!

  2. I know children hear the holy ghost so much easier than adults and they aren't afraid to act upon it as we make excuses for acting on what we hear.
