
Friday, December 25, 2015

There's Always Next Year!

It's that time of year again...

The tree has been trimmed...

the decorations are up...

the lights are lit... 

the presents are wrapped...

goodies have been eaten baked...

the reason for the season has been talked about, studied and prayed over...

there is only one thing left...

dun, dun, dun...

yes, it is time for the 2015 attempt at a good half way decent Christmas picture!


why is it the same every year...

is it too much to hope for...

that this year would be the year...

the year that everyone smiled at the same time...

the year that everyone looked at the camera at the same time...

with their eyes OPEN...

the year that the dogs all sat still and regal...

you know, like a pretty painting...

the year that the cats...

oh wait, no cats...

we are crazy but we are not stupid...

and we value the skin on our arms...

yep, they get a pass on the Christmas insanity picture...

but not these guys...

they are not so lucky...

or maybe they are...

cause in the end...

after all the "takes"...

and all the "re-takes:...

yes, that is a truck that so rudely interrupted us...

I am convinced the one "good" pic is behind that yellow truck!


Anyway, behind all of these crazy mixed up pics...

is a wonderful glimpse into our crazy mixed up family with all the noise and all the chaos and all the fun and all the love and I would not have it any other way.

So, I thought it might be fun to look back at this Christmas adventure over the years and the way in which the noise and the chaos and the fun and the love have grown!

Merry Christmas from our crazy mixed up family!