
Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Latest and Greatest...

In this world of  high tech, insta everything...

the joys of just being a kid get lost behind game screens and ear buds and texting and selfies and recording e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g we do and say.

The fine art of just playing outside - with sticks - cannot compete...

but today...

today, this happened...

At first, I had to help a little...

growing up with three big brothers, they expect soccer balls or scooters or rip sticks as required outside gear, none of which we had today...

but it was a gorgeous day that just needed to be appreciated and I was determined that they were going to appreciate it and NOT video tape themselves appreciating it!


They built stick houses and stick campfires and stick tools and just played outside...  


with no electronic device in sight...


Maybe I am just getting old-er but I have found myself longing for simple and honest and innocent lately... 

and today, as I watched the girls play at my childhood home, I was allowed that giant step back to my moments of simple and honest and innocent and real... 

before the world entered in with its high tech, insta everything...

and in this time of rush, rush, rush...

time stood still for a while and the day was savored instead of survived.

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