
Saturday, January 27, 2018

We Have Our Son

And all is well!!

So sorry I have not been able to keep up here.

Connection has been terrible!

I have been able to post some to Facebook and will try to copy and paste what I have written there when we get home.

However, if you would like to read about our trip so far, please friend me there!

Will is amazing and was ready for us!

Thank you all for your prayers!  

Here are just a few pics from our trip so far!

Pre Will:

Meeting Will:

And just a few shots from the following days:

Happy 14th birthday...  just in time!

Monkey Park

First plane ride.  Headed to Guangzhou!

Please leave me a comment if you would like to catch up with us on FB.

God is just sooooo good!!!


  1. Thank you for the update and so glad to hear you got your son. He looks pleased to have a family. Would love to be connected to facebook and get more information. Hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly for all.

  2. Love his smile on the plane ride! I would love to follow along in your journey.

  3. God is so faithful! What a joy to watch His miracles and plans unfold! Thanks for posting here. I do not face book. Now that we are over the new family size limit it is nice to get to pray for and support families who are bringing home His kids! My daughter has such a heart for the blind kids, older kids and adoption and does her own advocating as well so it has a personal side to it for us as well. His continued blessings on your family!

  4. I am a fellow adoptive Mom and have enjoyed following your blog over the years, I would love to follow you on Facebook! How do I find you?

  5. Oh you write with such heart plus I am surprised at this news since I recall your "Gotcha Day" videos from years ago - and I just cried seeing Will blow out the candles on his 14th birthday. God bless you always. Love,
    Brett Butler

  6. He looks so happy! How sweet.

  7. I would love to follow along on FB. Sammy Allen

  8. Hi Annie— I followed and prayed over the waiting child page you published a couple years ago. We got busy with bringing our second son home from West Africa and I lost touch with your page. ((I actually emailed w/you back and forth about a waiting childcwe were interested in... as I began to pursue him, another family came for him!). Our son also came home at 14, 9 months ago. He is deaf. Our first son from Burkina Faso is legally blind and has been home almost four years. The newness of learning about services for the blind, his educational needs, etc, was an uphill climb but we are SO blessed and he’s doing so well! Your new son is beautiful. Congratulations. I’d love to reconnect and will send a fb friend request if you’re up for it. Blessings and prayers to you and your family.
