
Monday, November 16, 2020

Cough Cough Cough...

It's a bit dusty in here!

So it has been a little while since my last post.

For a while I was able to keep up at home and here but "keeping up" was all I was doing.

There was a time when I felt the Lord filling me up with the words and the desire to write and then...


We were busy living this life He had given us and there was a pause.

Facebook was easier, for a while, until it was not.

 So I find myself back here and while I have not felt full with His words yet, I feel here is where He wants me for now. 

 I am going to follow His lead and write when I feel led and take a moment away from FB justice and judgement.

As I blow off the dust and the cobwebs, there will be a few older posts published that had been on my heart when life took me away and then I will update and rejuvenate and just see where He takes us. 


  1. Thank you for the updates, it is a blessing to see what G_d has done! look forward to seeing more posts. May G_d pour out his blessings on you and your family in these uncertain times.

  2. Thank you for writing again:). Through the years I have been so encouraged by other adoptive moms. I know many people have moved to social media, but theres something so connecting about hearing someones heart for their family on a site away from all the other voices. Your posts are beautifully written and you have a beautiful family.

    1. Dear Tammy! Thank you! It feels good to be back and I hope I will be able to keep up here better. Thank you SO much for the encouragement!
