
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Crocodile DunSHE!

So my little prodigy decided to rescue a feral kitten!! I don't know who was more shocked when she actually caught the kitten - the kitten or Lizzie!! 

There is a colony of feral cats and 2 kittens that are being fed right by our shop. My girls have been going over there, feeding and watching and hoping to catch one for a while now. 

Mighty Mouse just decided that she didn't need no stinkin cage, snuck up behind one of the kittens and just grabbed him/her! She has a few battle scars to show for it and now, a scared little kitty in her bathroom!

We are working hard on trying to socialize him/her and hope to find a wonderful family for the kitty, where he/she will be an inside pet and well loved!

Sooooo, stay tuned for kitty updates!!!

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