
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Deep Calls to Deep

Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me.
Psalm 42:7


I recognize it in her.

The quiet that permeates speaks volumes to me as we occupy her silence.

The unspoken words and the tears, not allowed to fall, are so familiar to me.

There is a knowing that we share, a knowing that hurts and sets apart but it is a knowing that transforms.

Most don't "know" her because they only see what she allows them to and there is so . much . more. 

She steps in silently, many times before I have even recognized the need because, unlike me at that age, she is not swimming against those strong currents that threaten to fully consume her heart. They frighten her but she is not afraid.

Her shyness overshadows the charm that is reserved for the fortunate few who persevere. 

She requires work but what you receive is an invitation to a heart that is full and ready to give.

At 14 years old, she is embracing the heart she was given - something that took me 40+ years to yield to.

Her beautiful blend of timidity and confidence endears her to those who look past her surroundings to really see her and her acts of grace, which are so natural for her that they are not spectacular, but just a part of her.

She laughs at herself - something that I still have not yielded to😉

I know her humility and it will help her at times and hinder her at others but she is learning to walk by faith.

It is a delicate balance to traverse the path between this world and the next. Sometimes the dance between the two is seamless, gracefully flowing in harmony as you influence without loosing your own footing. Sometimes it less like a dance and more like a tug of war as you choose between the moment and the word

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

My dearest Emmeline, the Lord has entrusted you with much...  

"you were made for such a time as this"

Continue to release your heart and loose your "self" in the dance that He has so beautifully choreographed for you.

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