
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Happy 21st Charlie

 Twenty-one years ago you made your grand entrance...

and it was dramatic!

 Hmm, maybe that's why you seem to like making dramatic entrances now😄


I know you were ready for 21...

but is 21 ready for you😉

I don't think I will ever be ready for you to be 21😏  

It just doesn't seem possible that we are 21 years away from this...

or this...

or this...

I mean I never really got used to the idea of you being a senior in high school and that whole graduating thing😉...

and now you are nearing your senior year at college and the days of Pokem*n cards and marbles and wooden blocks and sock wars have been replaced by interesting conversation and soccer in the kitchen and cheating at Uno and lots and lots of laughter.

There is still a smidge of longing for those early days that seemed hard, but that were enveloped in innocence and ease, as a "time out" corrected mistakes and the safety of my arms chased all fears (and your big brother😉) away and even though now, the mistakes can be bigger and the fears more real and more than my arms can carry...

you wear adulthood well my darlin and I realize I don't have to correct the mistakes or chase away the fears and I'm ok with that😄


You've got this!

I can think of so many words to describe you Charlie dear...








But the very best adjective I have ever found to describe you is...

You are just so "Charlie"!!!

Love you and remember...

Just cause you can, doesn't mean you should!

Happy 21st Birthday!!!

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