
Friday, July 10, 2009

In Over Her Head!!

Lizzie is one of the most courageous, hard headed and determined little souls I think I have ever known. She has overcome such obstacles in her short little life and does so with a strength that just doesn't seem possible for one so tiny! Her latest challenge was going under at the pool. She has watched her big brothers and her sister at the pool and decided that it was about time that she learned how to go under - on purpose! One afternoon, Lizzie's biggest brother decided that he was going to help his littlest sister with that goal and sure enough, he had her going under, jumping in and swimming under water in less than 2 hours, as Daddy and Mommie watched (and cheered) from the rocking chairs!! Gotta love big brothers!!!! Here is a little video (not from that day, unfortunately - the one day that I forgot my camera) from the 4th when she was showing her grandparents what she had learned!!! "Watch this" is the phrase of the day around here now!!!

1 comment:

  1. ohhhh myyy goodness,what a cute video. they are both so darling and what a big girl she has gotton to be. Watch out,she will be all grown before you know it.
