
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lizzie's First "Mommie" Haircut and Chocolate Cake

No, the two are not realted but Lizzie did get her first at home haircut and we did make a chocolate cake!! Lizzie's hair looks much less mullet-like and the chocolate cake looks well.... let's just say that it is hard to satisfy 5 kids with only one cake!!!

First, the haircut!

Very cute!!

This was a huge deal for me because when we got Lizzie, she was sporting her orphanage buzz cut - freshly done I might add!! I waited a long time for her beautiful hair to grow. To cut any of it off, was almost painful for me. I have to say, howwever, that she looks SO adorable with her little pixie cut!!! Lizzie, on the other hand, could have cared less!!!

Now the cake!!

Let us at it!!!!

Now for the decorations!

The compromise!!!


How did this happen???

Who cares!! It was GOOD!!!!


  1. Ann! What fun! The hair cut is darling (Madeleine too had the standard BUZZ when we brought her home from China!)

    The cake looks scrumptious...I would like a piece WITHOUT all the sprinkles!!! What is it with kids and their need to put a DUMP TRUCK of sprinkles on top??? They are just too pretty I guess!

  2. I hear ya on the buzz cut! They had done the same thing to Little T. My good friend is a hairdresser so she trimmed it up to make it look less like a mullet.

    The cake looks delish! Chocolate is my fav!!


  3. the joy of the orphanage cut?? its just hair and it will grow. And it did grow.
    Awesome looking cake,but i guess if it didnt satisfy the 5 there there isnt any left for us.

    beth r

  4. Your cake looks slappin' good! You have skills.
