
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sunday Snapshot - Blossom's Wheels and...

I have to say that in the past year and because of some struggle that we have been through, my faith in the Lord and what He is capable of has grown and I have found myself on a beautiful journey closer to Him and my faith.  So once again, here I am completely blown away by His generosity and His provision for those who have faith.  If you remember this post and then this post you know that through God's grace and the wonderful folks at LWB's (Suzanne!!!) and the wonderful generosity of all of YOU,

Blossom got her wheels...

and her mobility

and her chance to be able to go outside with all the other children and to watch her friend's play or the birds fly or simply just watch the clouds.

She got her chance to be more social, which is what she loves!  You see, although she cannot do anything physically, she understands and she smiles and her eyes say so much and in her own beautiful way, she communicates, she is social.

According to a very sweet family who met Blossom,

"She love love loves music, stories, and attention."

"She is a beautiful, sweet, sensitive little girl who just melts a person's heart when they come in contact with her." 

"She is very aware of her surroundings and just so very sweet."

She is a child, a precious child who needs a family, deserves a family and I have complete faith that the Lord will continue to provide for sweet Blossom and will lead her family right to her.  Please keep praying for this beautiful child of God!!!

Now, as completely wonderful as this is, it gets even better!!  Are you ready for this...

Not only did you donate enough for Blossom's wheelchair, but you donated enough for TWO MORE wheelchairs.  Two more precious children are now mobile and one of them has been on my advocacy posts for a very long time!!!  We are trying to find out the status of the other little one!

Praise God and thank you!  Without the Lord's prompting, I would never have written that very first post about Blossom and without your very generous hearts, these wonderful children would still be without the one thing that helps them to be able to participate more - in - life!  I would also like to give a huge THANK YOU to Suzanne at LWB's who coordinated this whole thing!  Without her, I really don't know how I would have managed this beautiful gift from God!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart Suzanne!!!

To join in on more Sunday Snapshots, please go here,

Ni Hao Y'all


  1. Oh my goodness Annie. This was the most wonderful blessing of a post to read this evening. Made. My. Night! : ) Your blossom is a little doll! I love when people are good and kind and giving. It makes life so much more wonderful!

  2. She is indeed beautiful and a wonderful treasure from God.

  3. how awesome,,, Thanks Annie for all you do on behalf of the kids your energy is amazing

  4. WOW... I just LOVE THIS!! Yay for Blossom and the other kiddos who now have wheels!!
    What a blessing you are to so many, Annie :)

  5. Annie You Rock and i am so glad you were full of the holy spirit and were prompted to post what you did! You are such a child of GOD and I love you for all you do and continue to do, you shine!
    You know you help me feel sure about my ELLA when we locked her file. You traveled the path before me, with Lizzie and gave me faith to walk the path to Ella! Thank you ;0)

  6. God is so faithful, isn't he? This is awesome!

  7. What a blessing! How wonderful to see those precious little faces up and about and mobile. Can you even imagine the difference in life? I don't know that I can fully, but I do know there is a huge difference!

  8. Love it! :) Now let's find families for these sweet ones!

  9. How amazing! God's hands at work!
