Well we survived our first official home school day!!! Yippee!!! Little Miss Prissy Pot did so well that we actually tackled 2 days worth of lessons in one! I did notice that she started getting a bit fidgety once we had been at it for about an hour or so. She rallied though and we finished the lessons with a little tweaking.
I am not above a little marshmallow tweak! We used them to mark letters on her ABC chart. She could eat the ones that she placed on the correct letter and that got rid of the fidgets for a while!
dry erase board from Target for one dollar |
Next it was time to pull out the rice!
No, she didn't eat the rice (I wish)!
We poured the rice in a cookie sheet and practiced drawing her letters with her fingers
in the rice! That was the hit of the day. However, after a while it became a rice drawing fest with little sister joining in and rice flying all over my kitchen!!!
I didn't mind, though. We actually (dare I say)
had fun and more than survived the day! I would love to ask all my BTDT homeschooling friends, for a precocious 4 year old, about how long should I plan for each day? She really did so great with the first lesson and wanted to do the second but did start to get bored a bit after the first hour or so. How long each day did you spend home schooling your 4 year olds???
As for the other poor, tortured souls that went off to
prison school last week...
they too survived their
second week and lived to tell the tale!
Thank goodness everyone seems to like their teachers. The jury, however, is still out on one or two of them with Momma Bear! Heh!
Then there is my eldest who swore that we were out to get him this summer by making him change schools!!
He was not at all excited about starting a new school this year but we just love to make him miserable and so, off he went!
Seriously, my heart ached for him that first day and I was just praying he would have a good day. Of course on the way to his new school on his very first day, what did we run into but...
the daggone train ya'll!!! This is a boy who DOES NOT like to be late. Let me repeat that, he DOES NOT like to be late and on the very first day of his brand new school!!! Well you get the picture - not pretty people! After some reassurance that we were 30 minutes early (I knew what I was doing), he was fine and ended up
not hating it!!! I will take it!!! Hehe!!
So off we go into a brand new school year! Right back to rush, rush, rush and get up, get up, get up and go, go, go and oops
somebody please let the dog out!!! Hehe!
And speaking of dogs, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our crazy clan...
Yep, Lily our 3 legged foster dog is now Lily our adopted dog - but you all already knew that was coming, didn't you!! Everybody else did but me apparently! She has just attached herself to my hip and into our hearts and we just couldn't let her go! It's already crazy around here, what's one more!