Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Snapshot - Happy Birthday Lizzie

We are living hard between March and May around here.

Why you ask?

Well, Em's birthday is in March and Lizzie's is not until May!


For almost an entire 2 months, Em is older than Lizzie and that just will not do y'all!

No, no, no!

May cannot come fast enough for our Lizzie May and when that glorious day arrives and we have our virtual twins again, all is right with the world...

well, until September arrives and Em informs Lizzie that she is now 7 1/2.


But for now, we are good and this year as every year, Lizzie asked to have a pool party at JuJu's house...

 and JuJu was more than happy to oblige. 

This year, however, we also made a trip down to my brother's farm

What an awesome place this is!

Complete with horses

and chickens

and ducks

and pigs

and purple track hoes...

and as always, the kids had a great time.

We ended the day with more swimming

and ice cream cake

and what was the best thing about Lizzie's birthday - according to Lizzie?

The devotional book we gave her!

Jesus Calling for Kids by Sarah Young!!

I really cannot believe that my sweet Lizzie is 7 years old! 

This child may be little in statue but she is large in spirit

and heart

and determination

and compassion for others

and I cannot imagine our lives without her.

She has grown me and taught me so much about love and life, true strength and courage...

and she is only 7 


Sweet, awesome Lizzie, we love you baby girl!

Happy, Happy Birthday and remember that when you are 39 and Em is 40...

you will appreciate being 2 whole months younger!

Just saying!

To read more Sunday Snapshots, go to Stefanie's wonderful blog, here,

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Happy Birthday, Lizzie!

    Annie, Lizzie has grown since the last time I remember seeing her photo! I just love all the wonderful things you wrote about your sweet girl! What a blessing!

    1. Thank you Vicky! She really has and it has been an amazing journey, and I know you know what I mean:):)

  2. Look at how grown-up she looks with the longer hair! Wow!

    1. She loves her long hair:) I kind of like it short but she loves being able to have piggies;) Gotta go over to you and check out the latest on your boyS:) Are you used to saying boyS yet?

  3. Your words about your daughter are priceless. You made me cry!!

    Happy birthday to lovely Lizzie!

  4. Happy Birthday Lizzie! Our kids love that devotional. I also noticed that Lizzie has the same soccer shoes as Zoe!

    1. Really Jen? The same cleats? Too funny:)

  5. So cute! And so true that at 39 it will all look different! Aren't they blessed to have each other as sisters--and two more sisters coming home soon! Hope she had a fantastic birthday!

  6. What an unforgettable birthday celebration for an amazing 7-year-old! Many happy returns, Lizzie! I love the pictures, especially those of her playing soccer. I play soccer too (only we call it football over here in the Commonwealth) and I don't think I have even half of Lizzie's skills and style. You're an awesome Mama! Lizzie and Em are such brave, strong, kind, smart and beautiful girls! And your boys are such good role models, protectors and mentors for the girls!

  7. I love that devotional. Happy birthday!
