Oh yeah baby!!! It is soccer time!!! Just when you thought it was safe around here cause Flag Football was over,
Some of us were less than enthused
and down right bored
cause their season hasn't started - YET!!!
You know, as a child who never wanted to break a sweat unless it was on a stage - dancing - in a tutu - or if there were pom poms involved, I am absolutely amazed at how I LOVE watching my kids on that field. How I really want my kids and in particular my girls to learn a sport, I mean really learn a sport and how I think it will help them as they grow and mature and have to participate in the big bad world out there! Just feeling comfortable enough to join in a team sport allows them to meet others and form friendships, now and well into adutlhood! Most of my kids' friends come from their teams and they are all good kids, really good kids!
So while I tend to get just a tad excited about watching them play
and while I might
and embarrass them greatly, especially when I
Heck the girls
Tell me it is not cute when a 4 year old yells to her big brother to, "go after that ball!!!" Honestly, it is SO cute and they know more than me, the correct thing to yell, whereas I ALWAYS get it wrong!!! I told you, I want them to learn a sport - I am hopeless!!! LOL!
For the next little bit, my blog might just be high jacked with soccer pics and soccer video (you know I have to post all those goals the girls make). So, hang in there, the season only lasts until May!!!
If Stef is up to posting a Sunday Snapshot, go here,

and please keep them in your prayers!